Update Student Passwords

If your district has enabled the feature to update or change a student's password directly on EasyBridge, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to EasyBridge. You will land on the Classes page.
  2. Use the filters to quickly find a specific class.
  3. Click the class namefor the for the student of students you would like to manage credentials. This brings you to the class details page.
  4. Scroll until you see the Students section.

  5. Check the box to the left of the student or students for whom you need to update their password. Alternatively, you can set the password for all students in the class by typing a password in the text box above the Student Username column.
  6. Click Edit Selected Student(s).
  7. Update the password and Save Changes.

Note of Caution!: Important note about changing student passwords on EasyBridge:

If an administrator or another teacher subsequently changes a password for his/her class for a student enrolled in another teacher’s class, that student will now have a different password for all integrated Savvas learning platforms going forward. The new password will be different from the initial password. See example below:


Student 1 is in Teacher A’s class and Teacher B’s class.

Teacher A sets the entire class password to DOG.

Teacher B creates an individual password for Student 1 of CAT1 after Teacher A created the class password of DOG.

Student 1 must sign in with CAT1 since that was the most recent password reset.